all team updates
external operation teams
Curriculum Design:
In Spring of 2024, the Curriculum Design Team created worksheets for 3-5 graders on computer science, and 6-8 graders on introduction to high school science. Since this summer, the team has been making worksheets on climate change for elementary school students, and artificial intelligence for middle school students. They also started a catch-up initiative, with more information coming up this fall.
Workshop Facilitators:
The Workshop Facilitator team has been busy designing fun Summer STEAM Activities for kids in grades 3-8. Over eight weeks, students tackled different STEAM topics through hands-on experiments and projects, guided by weekly slides. This summer, interns focused on teaching younger kids about Biology and older kids about Computer Science. As the Fall/Winter cycle begins on September 14, the team is also working with local middle schools to start STEMpathize chapters, aiming to reach more students and expand the program’s impact. Looking ahead to January, they’ll host a 31-day science fair to help students in grades 3-8 with their research projects and prepare them for their own school science fairs.
Content Creation:
Content Creation worked on an introduction video for the core team and is their first completed project! Currently, they are working on uploading workshop recordings onto our YouTube Channel. They are also planning to make teasers for Fall/Winter workshops and post experiments & workshops highlights!
Stem Kit:
The STEM kit team was founded last summer. They are working on distributing Robotic Hand Kits for Fall 2024.
internal operation teams
During the summer of 2024, the Outreach Team worked on individual portfolio projects meant to encapsulate their outreach experience (ex. educational courses, hosting competitions)! The team has also added online brochures to workshop emails that introduce contacts to STEMpathize as an organization; sent sponsorship packages to prospective sponsors/collaborators, which detail services that STEMpathize offers to supporters; and a resource hub for those who want to explore the various different fields of STEM. As of current, Outreach is contacting schools in preparation for STEMpathize’s Fall Workshops!
Please fill out this form if you are interested in leaving your email to receive future opportunities in STEMpathize sent by the Outreach team.
Social Media:
In the past, the Social Media Team worked on various projects to promote interactions with STEM, which include at-home experiments, Invention Perfection, and Scientist Spotlight! Currently, Social Media is working on a career exploration post, a high school opportunities post, a “Month of” post, and interviews of STEMpathize volunteers (the latter of which will be posted soon)!
During the beginning of 2024, the Website Design Team worked on making the website look fresher by changing colors, font styles, and more. As the year went on, the team has successfully created a Google Calendar for students/parents to keep track of events and ramping up the social media page to increase engagement. Currently, the website team is making this All Team Updates page which should be published and done by the time you are reading this!
The Blog Writing Team is currently working on our next cycle of articles, which includes a circuit article promoting the Stem Kit Team’s upcoming project. Some of our past projects have been a creative column, but we haven’t had many since we usually stay consistent producing our Stem blog articles!
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